Ride: 4.3 Miles
Terrain: Hill Repeats on a 1/4 mile hill
Time: 0:20:12
Pre-Ride Glucose: 64 mg/dL
Post-Ride Glucose: 138 mg/dL
Intake: 1.5 cup Choc. Silk
Ride Pump Status: Normal operation
   I got to start doing some of my favorite hill repeats. They're my favorite because it's the hill I live on and I can always see improvement in regular rides when doing these. I checked the sugar 15 minutes before heading out and found it a little low (64). So, I had some of my handy Choc. Silk and started getting ready. I also underestimated how cold it was going to be. As I was pushing the bike out of the garage, I was telling myself I really needed my winter gloves not my summer fingerless gloves. I told that voice though that the winter gloves would take away from the needed shifting dexterity and to stick with the summer fingerless. Oh well, I warmed up afterwards in about 10 minutes. So it wasn't too bad. I definitely need to keep doing these repeats. I've been off of the bike too long and I can tell. I kept it rubber-side down, but came close to dropping it once on the way up the hill on my second repeat. The chain popped off. This time I wasn't able to shift through to get it back on. I can say it doesn't look so great when you come into work at the hospital with grease marks on your hands from popping your bike chain back on. Most people wonder if your a part-time mechanic. Aah, so what. My lungs were burning after coughing and snorting from pushing hard up-hill and doing like 35mph down-hill. Still too cold and too easy to fall on unseen ice so I slowed it down going down-hill after the 2nd repeat. That way your nose hairs don't freeze instantaneously and fall out (of course nobody likes to see those anyway so no real lose there).
2 days ago
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