Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Well Wishes

First of all...the role call: Some of these folks I've read about their training throughout the year and others not. Some folks I've talked with while others I hope to see at the start line at some future event.

Anne Findlay - Annetics
Kevin Burgess - Diabetics Can't
David Bourdon - Fueled by Insulin
Heather Warren - The Strength is in the Struggle
Jerry Nairn - Type 1 Diabtic Runner
Denise Ricci - We get to do thi! ON Insulin
Bill Carlson - Type 1 Bill Carlson Diabetics Endurance Pioneer
Brian Foster
Sean McKendry
Jim Murphy
Mark McCullough
Reid Stewart
Sebastien Sasseville

Second of all..."Good Job to each of you for extending your capabilities and training your tails off to get there". Good luck and focus this Sunday. As I tell myself sometimes..."Dream it, du it, push it." Have a good time this weekend and laugh a little during the event, you've earned it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday - Notes

    Well, it's the downtime of the season for me now. While others are close to it with tapering for IM Arizona, I'm in a slightly longer taper mode. I've got a charity ride this Saturday, but that's about it. I'm looking for a few fun runs to do this winter and planning out my schedule for 2010. The Wednesday night runs will be the norm for a while, except this next week when I'll have some pleasant running around Vegas and hopefully at the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park also. I'm looking forward to this trip. It's funny, most people really seem to be pumped about going and experiencing Vegas, I however look forward to checking out all the parks I can see. I could care less about the music, shows, glitter, stars, gambling, and all of that other hooha. I just want to go get lost in a few parks and enjoy views I've never seen before. If I luck out I'll take some great photos also.

   Secondly, in my thoughts of late would be insulin issues. I switched to Apidra for the duration of one bottle, and then went back to Novolog. During the one bottle use of Apidra, I #1 was sick during much of it's use and #2 was experiencing many prolonged highs. I cannot rule out certain factors during this period of use, so I will again use another bottle of Apidra after I've finished the current bottle of Novolog. I would like to know how this will react in my system in a baseline environment.