Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday - Hill Repeats

Run: ~2 miles
Terrain: VERY Hilly
Time: 0:46:21

Pre-Run BG: 253 mg/dl
Post-Run BG: 95 mg/dl
Intake: 8 oz Chocolate Silk, 4 PB&J Crackers
Run Pump Status: 100 % of normal basal

    Today had one of those beginnings no one wishes for. I woke up at 04:10 to my pump cg going off indicating I was above 200. I did a finger stick and found it to actually be 253 mg/dl. A bit too high and I was worrying a little about my run for the morning. So, I cut my insulin in half and went to run early since my alarm was planning on getting up at 04:40 anyway. It was a very nicely moonlit run. With no cars passing me, I didn't even have to turn on my headlamp. I ran totally by moonlight. Nice. Heck I was even up before the dogs wanted to be, only one barked at me from his backyard pen. After my fourth hill repeat I looked at the pump, because I felt a little funny, and what do you know...136 with two down arrows. Crap. Well, I had no adrenaline in the tank this AM, that was for sure. So, I realize I don't have to worry about high BG's in the AM. Great, but I was going to have to cut his run short. I finished 6 repeats and did a quick cool down and let my shoes carry me to a glass of chocolate silk to recover and bring the BG up. I realized I was smart to quite when I did. I can run more later, but had I pushed more this AM, I'd be deep in the pain and stupidity cave. Whew.

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