Run: 5.5 Miles
Terrain: Flat to Very Hilly
Time: ~60 Minutes ( there was a quarry cool-down stop)
Pre-Run BG: 200 with 2 ^^
Post-Run BG: 134 with 2 down arrows
Intake: 4 oz Hammer Gel (at about 170 and 2 down trending arrows)
Run Pump Status: 30% normal basal
   Tonight was a tough run. I hate it when I enter a run with these circs. In attempting to make sure my glucose was between 130-180 1 hour prior to the run...I over estimated and also had to calibrate the CG. So, I took too many carbs to start and didn't know I was already trending upward because of the calibration. I have got to keep a closer eye on that. The result was a crappy performing run. A BG of anything above 210-220 for me equals a high HR that doesn't come down easily and shortness of breath that just plain makes me feel like a weakling. I hate it. Aside from more accurately setting myself up before the run, I've got to figure out some strategy that will allow myself to bring things into "The Zone" and not drop me during the run. I took .9 u out on the trail because I was at 236 with 2 up arrows (trending upward quickly) and cut my compensation dose very low....just not maybe low enough. Next time maybe I'll cut it to like 1/8th of what I would normally take. I got the Tempo in, but it freaking sucked. The performance level was definitely not there. Also, once again a few hours prior to the run I had this sensation of seeming short of breath or almost like a little pressure (though it wasn't) in the upper chest. I can't explain it, but it's almost like it was a precursor to what I almost knew was going to happen...and sure enough. This happened last when I was up on Lookout Mt. , and it happened the same exact way. I've got to figure something out here and I will.
2 days ago
Be very careful with that chest discomfort.