November 23rd
RUN: 12 miles
Terrain: Mostly flat road
Time: 01:48:33
Pre-Run Glucose: 100 mg/dL
Post-Run Glucose: 124 mg/dL
Intake: 1 cup Choc. Silk (pre-run), 2 gel packs during run
Run Pump Status: Suspend
I ran a long road run yesterday with a friend. The first few miles are always not so pleasant when it's pretty cold, but after warmed up life is good. Lots of stretching. I ran a little low on fuel at one point realizing I was slowing down. Downed a gel and kept plugging away at it. Downed the second gel 5 miles to end. It makes one feel like a lab rat constantly looking down at your pump keeping a hawks eye on your trending glucose levels. Thanks to my friend for pushing me. As we both stated at the end of the run, "I wouldn't have pushed that much on my own". That's the beauty of running with others. Tomorrow, and of course this afternoon, I'll definitely be doing lots of plantar treating.
6 days ago
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